React - Minified exception occurred

If you are using jspm to bundle your code, note that version 0.16.24 imports the minified "production" version of React, which throws this error. My temporary solution was to downgrade jspm to 0.16.23.

edit Future versions of jspm will allow you to declare production vs. development versions (see jspm beta documentation)

If you are encountering this issue with Karma + Webpack, the following Webpack configuration fixed the issue for me when running tests:

plugins: [
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        'process.env': {
            NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('development')


If you're like me and ran that command to set NODE_ENV and it's literally never worked, check if you're linking to react.min.js instead of the full versions of the files.

Link to the full versions and it should work like a charm. :D

Setting NODE_ENV to development as Benjamin Gruenbaum pointed out in the comment resolved the issues.

set NODE_ENV=development