React-native how to move screen up on textinput

You can use ScrollView to control screen up and down movements. As long as user hasn't focused any TextInput, you can disable scroll. On focus, just shift up the scrollview using Content Offset prop.


textInputFocused() {
//do your stuff here. scroll screen up

Hope it helps!

import {KeyboardAvoidingView} from 'react-native';

<KeyboardAvoidingView style={styles.container} behavior="padding" enabled>

    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 30}}> test text before input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 30}}> test text before input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 30}}> test text before input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 30}}> test text before input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 30}}> test text before input</Text>

        style={{height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1}}
        onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}

    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 20}}>1 test text after input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 20}}>2 test text after input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 20}}>3 test text after input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 20}}>4 test text after input</Text>
    <Text style={{height: 100, marginTop: 20}}>5 test text after input</Text>


Run in snack :

In 2017 (RN 0.43) there is special component for this: KeyboardAvoidingView