React-native IOS: Network request failed

Ok thanks to @while1's answer above, I found the answer that worked for me.

The code in my question above is fine. I had to change the info.plist file.

Wow what a pain in the ass apple are, why would they complicate things so extremely?

I basically added the following to the info.plist file.


Like this:


See more info on this in the link in @while1's answer above.

You will need to change your NSAppTransportSecurity policy in info.plist. By default in ios 8 and greater plaintext request are blocked. See Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP

your code looks familiar to me seems you're learning Build apps with react native course offered by Stephen Grider.

Even i had this issue.

include delete GLOBAL.XMLHttpRequest; at the beginning of api.js file.

Like this:

delete GLOBAL.XMLHttpRequest;
var _ = require('lodash');
var rootUrl = '';