React Navigation how to hide tabbar from inside stack navigation

For React Navigation 5, you can do this inside of the stack component:

  tabBarVisible: false

Be careful with using this though, you'll want to reset the tabBarVisible to true once unmounting the component.

For example, with React hooks inside the Stack component:

    useEffect(() => {
      const parent = props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent();
        tabBarVisible: false
      return () =>
          tabBarVisible: true
    }, []);

Or you can reset the tabBarVisible in the Stack.Screen component with the back button press like this:

    const StackNav = (props) => (
          headerTitle: 'Name',
          headerLeft: () => (
              onPress={() =>
                tabBarVisible: true
              on back

(The second approach works better.)

To hide the tab bar in one of the screens, this works for React Navigation v4:

HomeStack.navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {

    let tabBarVisible = true;

    let routeName = navigation.state.routes[navigation.state.index].routeName

    if ( routeName == 'ProductDetails' ) {
        tabBarVisible = false

    return {

For v5, and v6 please check @Chathuranga Kasthuriarachchi's answer here

This is how I hide the tab bar in a specific screen in a stack (React Nav 5.x & 6.x)

import { getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';
const ProfileStack = createStackNavigator();
const ProfileNavigator = ({ navigation, route }) => {
        React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
            const routeName = getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute(route);
            if (routeName === "Group"){
                navigation.setOptions({tabBarVisible: false});
            }else {
                navigation.setOptions({tabBarVisible: true});
        }, [navigation, route]);
                <ProfileStack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} />
                <ProfileStack.Screen name="Group" component={GroupScreen} />

If you guys have number of screens that need to hide the tabbar use a string array of those route names and hide tabbar if focused route name includes in that array

const tabHiddenRoutes = ["Group","Map"];

  navigation.setOptions({tabBarVisible: false});
 navigation.setOptions({tabBarVisible: true});

[Edit] - In case of v6, use display because tabBarVisible is deprecated in the favour of tabBarStyle-

  navigation.setOptions({tabBarStyle: {display: 'none'}});
 } else {
 navigation.setOptions({tabBarStyle: {display: 'flex'}});

first let's creat a stack navigator and call it StackHome

const StackHome = createStackNavigator(
 Home: Home,
 CustomHide: CustomHide,
// This code let you hide the bottom app bar when "CustomHide" is rendering
StackHome.navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
 let tabBarVisible;
  if (navigation.state.routes.length > 1) { => {
  if (route.routeName === "CustomHide") {
    tabBarVisible = false;
  } else {
    tabBarVisible = true;

 return {
export default StackHome;