ReactiveX concat doesn't produce onNext from first observable if second fails immediately

Default behavior of observeOn is that onError events can jump in front of the queue, here is the quote from the docs:

Note that onError notifications will cut ahead of onNext notifications on the emission thread if Scheduler is truly asynchronous.

Here is small test to illustrate the thing:

Scheduler newThreadScheduler = Schedulers.newThread();

Observable<Integer> stream = Observable.create(integerEmitter -> {
    integerEmitter.onError(new RuntimeException());
}, Emitter.BackpressureMode.NONE);

TestSubscriber<Integer> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>();


subscriber.assertValues(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Normally consumer would expect the following sequence: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > Error. But using just observeOn may put error ahead and test will fail.

This behavior was implemented long time ago here, check for the motivation why it was done like that. To avoid such behavior one can use overloaded observeOn with delayError parameter:

indicates if the onError notification may not cut ahead of onNext notification on the other side of the scheduling boundary. If true a sequence ending in onError will be replayed in the same order as was received from upstream

This is what you normally expect, so changing observeOn(newThreadScheduler) to observeOn(newThreadScheduler, true) will fix the test.

Then to the question of @Neil: why solution proposed by @Rostyslav is working? It is working, because there is no thread switch for the final sequence.

In the proposed solution final sequence is crafted from two sequences on the same thread: 1st sequence is data from cache, 2nd sequence is just error from network. They are crafted together on the same thread and after there is no thread switch - subscriber observes on the AndroidSchedulers.mainThread(). If you try to change final Scheduler to some other, it will fail again.

Operators in RxJava are designed to short-circuit onError notifications in general. Because the observables being concatenated are asynchronous sources then you are experiencing the short-circuit. If you don't want the short-circuit then you could do a concat on materialized observables and then perform the processing you desire:


Another approach would be to use onErrorResumeNext:



Rx Java