reactjs - jest snapshot testing nested redux "connected" components

In this case the best way is to test the Wrapper on its own by just mocking User

import Wrapper from './Wrapper'

jest.mock('./User', () => 'User') // note that the path to user is relative the test file not to  the Wrapper.js file.

This will replace User with a simple component with name User.

Just a small tweak to the answer provided by @andreas-köberle as it may produce the error: using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements

To fix that if you want to mock a component it should return a fn. Example reflects multi word naming:

jest.mock('./User', () => () => 'UserThingStuff')

or to return an HTML element:

jest.mock('./User', () => 'user-thing-stuff')