Read flag register from C program

You can use the PUSHF/PUSHFD/PUSHFQ instruction (see for details) to push the flag register onto the stack. From there on you can interpret it in C. Otherwise you can test directly (against the carry flag for unsigned arithmetic or the overflow flag for signed arithmetic) and branch.

(to be specific, to test for the overflow bit you can use JO (jump if set) and JNO (jump if not set) to branch -- it's bit #11 (0-based) in the register)

About the EFLAGS bit layout:

A very crude Visual C syntax test (just wham-bam / some jumps to debug flow), since I don't know about the GCC syntax:

int test2 = 2147483647; // max 32-bit signed int (0x7fffffff)
unsigned int flags_w_overflow, flags_wo_overflow;
    mov ebx, test2 // ebx = test value

    // test for no overflow
    xor eax, eax // eax = 0
    add eax, ebx // add ebx
    jno no_overflow // jump if no overflow

    // test for overflow
    xor ecx, ecx // ecx = 0
    inc ecx // ecx = 1
    add ecx, ebx // overflow!
    pushfd // store flags (32 bits)
    jo overflow // jump if overflow
    jmp done // jump if not overflown :(

    pushfd // store flags (32 bits)
    pop edx // edx = flags w/o overflow
    jmp testoverflow // back to next test

    jmp done // yeah we're done here :)

    pop eax // eax = flags w/overflow
    mov flags_w_overflow, eax // store
    mov flags_wo_overflow, edx // store

if (flags_w_overflow & (1 << 11)) __asm int 0x3 // overflow bit set correctly
if (flags_wo_overflow & (1 << 11)) __asm int 0x3 // overflow bit set incorrectly

return 0;

The compiler can reorder instructions, so you cannot rely on your lahf being next to the increment. In fact, there may not be an increment at all. In your code, you don't use the value of a, so the compiler can completely optimize it out.

So, either write the increment + check in assembler, or write it in C.

Also, lahf loads only ah (8 bits) from eflags, and the Overflow flag is outside of that. Better use pushf; pop %eax.

Some tests:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void){
    int a=2147483640, b=0, bold=0;
            __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushf \n\t"
                            "pop %%eax\n\t"
                            "movl %%eax, %0\n\t"
            if((b & 0x800) != (bold & 0x800)){
                    printf("register changed \n %x\t to\t %x\n",bold , b);
            bold = b;

$ gcc -Wall  -o ex2 ex2.c
$ ./ex2  # Works by sheer luck
register changed
 200206  to      200a96
register changed
 200a96  to      200282

$ gcc -Wall -O -o ex2 ex2.c
$ ./ex2  # Doesn't work, the compiler hasn't even optimized yet!

This maybe the case of the XY problem. To check for overflow you do not need to get the hardware overflow flag as you think because the flag can be calculated easily from the sign bits

An illustrative example is what happens if we add 127 and 127 using 8-bit registers. 127+127 is 254, but using 8-bit arithmetic the result would be 1111 1110 binary, which is -2 in two's complement, and thus negative. A negative result out of positive operands (or vice versa) is an overflow. The overflow flag would then be set so the program can be aware of the problem and mitigate this or signal an error. The overflow flag is thus set when the most significant bit (here considered the sign bit) is changed by adding two numbers with the same sign (or subtracting two numbers with opposite signs). Overflow never occurs when the sign of two addition operands are different (or the sign of two subtraction operands are the same).

Internally, the overflow flag is usually generated by an exclusive or of the internal carry into and out of the sign bit. As the sign bit is the same as the most significant bit of a number considered unsigned, the overflow flag is "meaningless" and normally ignored when unsigned numbers are added or subtracted.

So the C implementation is

int add(int a, int b, int* overflowed)
    // do an unsigned addition since to prevent UB due to signed overflow
    unsigned int r = (unsigned int)a + (unsigned int)b;

    // if a and b have the same sign and the result's sign is different from a and b
    // then the addition was overflowed
    *overflowed = !!((~(a ^ b) & (a ^ r)) & 0x80000000);
    return (int)r;

This way it works portably on any architectures, unlike your solution which only works on x86. Smart compilers may recognize the pattern and change to using the overflow flag if possible. On most RISC architectures like MIPS or RISC-V there is no flag and all signed/unsigned overflow must be checked in software by analyzing the sign bits like that

Some compilers have intrinsics for checking overflow like __builtin_add_overflow in Clang and GCC. And with that intrinsic you can also easily see how the overflow is calculated on non-flag architectures. For example on ARM it's done like this

add     w3, w0, w1  # r = a + b
eon     w0, w0, w1  # a = a ^ ~b
eor     w1, w3, w1  # b = b ^ r
str     w3, [x2]    # store sum ([x2] = r)
and     w0, w1, w0  # a = a & b = (a ^ ~b) & (b ^ r)
lsr     w0, w0, 31  # overflowed = a >> 31

which is just a variation of what I've written above

See also

  • Checking overflow in C
  • Detecting signed overflow in C/C++
  • Is it possible to access the overflow flag register in a CPU with C++?
  • Very detailed explanation of Overflow and Carry flags evaluation techniques

For unsigned int it's much easier

unsigned int a, b, result = a + b;
int overflowed = (result < a);