Read LabView program without LabView

The parser I made can read VIs, and convert most of the content to XML (including Block Diagram, Front Panel and type definitions used for connectors):

It is open-source, and in no way related to NI.

The XML form you get isn't really easy to read, but with the data exported to XML, it should be possible to write a tool which parses it and displays as a diagram, or at least creates an SVG.

But is it possible to read a LabView program without Labview?

I presume you're asking, "Can I open a *.vi file and look at its source code (which is called the "Block Diagram"), without using LabVIEW?"

If that's your question then the answer is "No", not directly. Officially, you need LabVIEW to read, edit, and execute a *.vi file.

Third party support to view VIs without LabVIEW

You can get a third party to convert the VI for you:

  • If you know someone else who has LabVIEW, you can ask them to open the VI for you and save the Block Diagram as a picture file for you (preferable in the form of a Snippet).
  • There are unofficial 3rd-party tools (like the one in @mefistotelis's answer) which can convert VIs without LabVIEW.

Installing LabVIEW without purchasing

(NOTE: In April 2020, LabVIEW Community Edition was released. It is free for home use.)

If you are willing to download and install LabVIEW, you can open the VI file. This link lets you select the Community Edition for home use or the 7-day evaluation for commercial/academic use.

