Read line from file without knowing the line length

That is how i did it for stdin, if you call it like readLine(NULL, 0) the function allocates a buffer for you with the size of 1024 and let it grow in steps of 1024. If you call the function with readLine(NULL, 10) you get a buffer with steps of 10. If you have a buffer you can supply it with it size.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

char *readLine(char **line, size_t *length)
    assert(line != NULL);
    assert(length != NULL);

    size_t count = 0;

    *length = *length > 0 ? *length : 1024;

    if (!*line)
        *line = calloc(*length, sizeof(**line));
        if (!*line)
            return NULL;
        memset(*line, 0, *length);

    for (int ch = getc(stdin); ch != '\n' && ch != EOF; ch = getc(stdin))
        if (count == *length)
            *length += 2;
            *line = realloc(*line, *length);
            if (!*line)
                return NULL;

        (*line)[count] = (char)ch;


    return *line;

You can start with some suitable size of your choice and then use realloc midway if you need more space as:

int CUR_MAX = 4095;
char *buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * CUR_MAX); // allocate buffer.
int length = 0;

while ( (ch != '\n') && (ch != EOF) ) {
    if(length ==CUR_MAX) { // time to expand ?
      CUR_MAX *= 2; // expand to double the current size of anything similar.
      buffer = realloc(buffer, CUR_MAX); // re allocate memory.
    ch = getc(file); // read from stream.
    buffer[length] = ch; // stuff in buffer.

You'll have to check for allocation errors after calls to malloc and realloc.

You're close. Basically you want to read chunks of data and check them for \n characters. If you find one, good, you have an end of line. If you don't, you have to increase your buffer (ie allocate a new buffer twice the size of the first one and copy the data from the first one in the new one, then delete the old buffer and rename your new buffer as the old -- or just realloc if you're in C) then read some more until you do find an ending.

Once you have your ending, the text from the beginning of the buffer to the \n character is your line. Copy it to a buffer or work on it in place, up to you.

After you're ready for the next line, you can copy the "rest" of the input over the current line (basically a left shift) and fill the rest of the buffer with data from the input. You then go again until you run out of data.

This of course can be optimized, with a circular buffer for example, but this should be more than sufficient for any reasonable io-bound algorithm.

You might want to look into Chuck B. Falconer's public domain ggets library. If you're on a system with glibc, you probably have a (non-standard) getline function available to you.



File Io