Read-Only properties

If you want a "read-only" stored property, use private(set):

private(set) var isEquilateral = false

If it is a property calculated from other properties, then, yes, use computed property:

var isEquilateral: Bool {
    return a == b && b == c

For the sake of completeness, and probably needless to say, if it is a constant, you’d just use let:

let isEquilateral = true


struct Triangle {
    let a: Double
    let b: Double
    let c: Double

    let isEquilateral: Bool

    init(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) {
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

        isEquilateral = (a == b) && (b == c)

A read-only property is a property with getter but no setter. It is always used to return a value.

class ClassA {
    var one: Int {
        return 1
    var two: Int {
        get { return 2 }
    private(set) var three:Int = 3
    init() {
        one = 1//Cannot assign to property: 'one' is a get-only property
        two = 2//Cannot assign to property: 'two' is a get-only property
        three = 3//allowed to write
        print(one)//allowed to read
        print(two)//allowed to read
        print(three)//allowed to read
class ClassB {
    init() {
        var a = ClassA() = 1//Cannot assign to property: 'one' is a get-only property
        a.two = 2//Cannot assign to property: 'two' is a get-only property
        a.three = 3//Cannot assign to property: 'three' setter is inaccessible
        print( to read
        print(a.two)//allowed to read
        print(a.three)//allowed to read

Something like this? (as suggested by @vacawama in the comments)

struct Triangle {
    let edgeA: Int
    let edgeB: Int
    let edgeC: Int

    var isEquilateral: Bool {
        return (edgeA, edgeB) == (edgeB, edgeC)

Let's test it

let triangle = Triangle(edgeA: 5, edgeB: 5, edgeC: 5)
triangle.isEquilateral // true


let triangle = Triangle(edgeA: 2, edgeB: 2, edgeC: 1)
triangle.isEquilateral // false


