Read Only usb stick that won't let me do anything to it

Commands like rm and chmod are done on a mounted file-system. So if the file-system is read only those do not work. What you need to do is to mount the file-system as writeable.

Some USB sticks have a switch on the stick to mount them read-only. Maybe that is the reason. It could also just be broken or damaged due to not correctly umounting it.

Before you do anything: copy the files over from the stick.

If it is not a hardware switch unplug and plug the USB stick and issue a

dmesg | grep -i panic

This will show you any panic messages. If you are seeing alot of them related to the USB stick and if it is a FAT partition you can use dosfsck to fix it.

You can find out how it is mounted with


and use

dosfsck -a /dev/sd{xn}

to fix an MS-DOS partition table or sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sd{xn} to format the disc. Where {xn} is a letter and digit you got with the mount command.

You can also use gparted to format it by the way.

I encountered this. The fault was corrupted partitions. Check your partition on the USB stick. This can get corrupted if you try formatting on Win and then on Ubuntu. use "gparted". You should see only 1 active partition. If you have an "unallocated" partition as well, the USB stick wont work. If so, delete all partitions, and create one active partition only for the full gb size of the usb stick. unplug then plug in again, and you should have R/W again.