readRDS(file) in R

These are suggestions I have come across:

  1. Delete your .Rhistory and .RData files in the directory in which you are running R.
  2. Run update.packages()
  3. Try and detect "bad files" in your library directories. You can do this in R

    # List the library paths
    # The issue is likely to be in the first directory
    paths = .libPaths()
    ## Try and detect bad files
           pattern = "^00LOCK*|*\\.rds$|*\\.RDS$",
           full.names = TRUE)
    ## List files of size 0
    l = list.files(paths, full.names = TRUE)
    l[sapply(l, file.size) == 0]

    Delete any files/directories highlighted. You could use file.remove() if you really wanted to.

  4. Delete the directory in which you have stored your downloaded packages.

Only solution 3 worked for me.


  • R-sig-Debian mailing list
  • Option 3 was a combination of answers provided by different people over the last few years, including Chunxiao Xu, Larry Hunsicker and Frank Harrell

Run find /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/ /usr/lib/R/library/ /usr/lib/R/site-library/ ~/.local/lib/ -iname '*rds' -a -size 0 and then delete the files found.

Chunxiao Xu and Rando Hinn's solution above worked for me, with a minor tweak.

First, change directories to your personal R package directory, then run: find -iname '*rds' -a -size 0

Delete the directories containing any 0 length files in the above list. Then reopen R (or RStudio) and reinstall the deleted packages.

You should now be able to list the packages again.

Chunxiao Xu's original suggestion above lists ALL of the R package directories. But the exact locations of these directories will vary from installation to installation, and their addresses will have to be edited for your installation.

Larry Hunsicker



