"Recheck Cond:" line in query plans with a bitmap index scan

As @Chris commented correctly on the referenced question:

a little investigation seems to indicate that the recheck condition is always printed in the EXPLAIN, but is actually only performed when work_mem is small enough that the bitmap becomes lossy. Thoughts? http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/464F3C5D.2000700@enterprisedb.com

While this is all true and the core developer Heikki Linnakangas is a first class source, the post dates back to 2007 (Postgres 8.2). Here is a blog post by Michael Paquier with detailed explanation for Postgres 9.4, where the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE has been improved with more information.

The Recheck Cond: line is always there for bitmap index scans. The output of basic EXPLAIN won't tell us more. We get additional information from EXPLAIN ANALYZE as can be seen in the second quote in the question:

Heap Blocks: exact=693 lossy=3732

From a total of 4425 data pages (blocks), 693 stored tuples exactly (including tuple pointers), while the other 3732 pages were lossy (just the data page) in the bitmap. That happens when work_mem is not big enough to store the whole bitmap built from the index scan exactly (lossless).

The index condition has to be rechecked for pages from the lossy share, since the bitmap only remembers which pages to fetch and not the exact tuples on the page. Not all tuples on the page will necessarily pass the index conditions, it's necessary to actually recheck the condition.

This is the thread on pgsql hackers where the new addition was discussed. The author Etsuro Fujita provides a formula for how to calculate the minimum work_mem to avoid lossy bitmap entries and ensuing condition rechecks. The calculation is not reliable for complex cases with multiple bitmap scans, so it was not used to output actual numbers from EXPLAIN. It can still serve as an estimate for simple cases.

Additional line BUFFERS:

In addition, when running with BUFFERS option: EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) ... another line is added like:

Buffers: shared hit=279 read=79

This indicates how much of the underlying table (and index) was read from the cache (shared hit=279) and how much had to be fetched from disk (read=79). If you repeat the query, the "read" part typically disappears for not-too-huge queries, because everything is cached now after the first call. The first call tells you how much was cached already. Subsequent calls show how much your cache can handle (currently).

There are more options. The manual about the BUFFERS option:

Specifically, include the number of shared blocks hit, read, dirtied, and written, the number of local blocks hit, read, dirtied, and written, and the number of temp blocks read and written.

Read on, there's more.
Here is the list of output options in the source code.

Erwin, since this was our discussion in the comment thread from before, I decided to poke at it a little further...

I have a very simple query from a reasonably sized table. I typically have sufficient work_mem, but in this case I used the commands

SET work_mem = 64;

to set a very small work_mem and

SET work_mem = default;

to set my work_mem back to being sufficiently large for my query.

EXPLAIN & Recheck Condition

So, running my query with only EXPLAIN as

SELECT * FROM olap.reading_facts
WHERE meter < 20;

I obtained the results for both low & high work_mem:

Low work_mem

Bitmap Heap Scan on reading_facts  (cost=898.92..85632.60 rows=47804 width=32)
  Recheck Cond: (meter < 20)
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_meter_reading_facts  (cost=0.00..886.96 rows=47804 width=0)
        Index Cond: (meter < 20)

High work_mem

Bitmap Heap Scan on reading_facts  (cost=898.92..85632.60 rows=47804 width=32)
  Recheck Cond: (meter < 20)
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_meter_reading_facts  (cost=0.00..886.96 rows=47804 width=0)
        Index Cond: (meter < 20)

Long story short, for EXPLAIN only, as expected the query plan indicates that a Recheck condition is possible, but we can't know if will actually be computed.

EXPLAIN ANALYZE & Recheck Condition

When we include ANALYZE in the query, the results tel us more about what we need to know.

Low work_mem

Bitmap Heap Scan on reading_facts  (cost=898.92..85632.60 rows=47804 width=32) (actual time=3.130..13.946 rows=51840 loops=1)
  Recheck Cond: (meter < 20)
  Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 86727
  Heap Blocks: exact=598 lossy=836
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_meter_reading_facts  (cost=0.00..886.96 rows=47804 width=0) (actual time=3.066..3.066 rows=51840 loops=1)
        Index Cond: (meter < 20)

High work_mem

Bitmap Heap Scan on reading_facts  (cost=898.92..85632.60 rows=47804 width=32) (actual time=2.647..7.247 rows=51840 loops=1)
  Recheck Cond: (meter < 20)
  Heap Blocks: exact=1434
  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_meter_reading_facts  (cost=0.00..886.96 rows=47804 width=0) (actual time=2.496..2.496 rows=51840 loops=1)
        Index Cond: (meter < 20)

Again, as expected, the inclusion of ANALYZE reveals to us some very important information. In the low work_mem case, we see that there are rows removed by the index recheck, and that we have lossy heap blocks.

Conclusion? (or lack thereof)

Unfortunately, it looks like EXPLAIN on its own is not sufficient to know whether an index recheck will actually be necessary because some of the row id's are being dropped in favor of retaining pages during the bitmap heap scan.

Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE is fine for diagnosing the issues with moderate length queries, but in the case that a query is taking an extremely long time to complete, then running EXPLAIN ANALYZE to discover that your bitmap index is converting to lossy due to insufficient work_mem is still a difficult constraint. I wish there was a way to have EXPLAIN estimate the likelihood of this occurrence from the table statistics.