Recover deleted files from Perforce

If you haven't committed the change list of deleted files to the repository, right click on the folder containing the deleted files in p4v and choose Get Revision. Be sure to check Force Operation and then Click Get Revision. Then the deleted files will be restored from p4 server.


When you delete a file in Perforce, it creates a "deleted" revision, but the archive file is still there.

In the Perforce P4V GUI in the depot veiw, there is a filter symbol on top of the explore pane Yellow Flag.

Click on this and select "Show Deleted Depot Files".

Find the file you want to restore and right-click on it. Select "Rollback..." and revert it to the previous revision of that file (before it was deleted.)

By default it will create a new changelist, be sure to select the one you want if you already have one.

On the command line: p4 sync //depot/folder/subfolder/filename@changelist

You can use either the command line or the GUI, from the command line p4 sync -f forces the files to be resynchronized. For more information see the Perforce Knowledge Base.

