Recover from shutdown during Ubuntu distribution upgrade
Solution 1:
If you can get to a place where you can use dpkg as root, you can run dpkg --configure -a
However, you might find that explodes for a borked dist-upgrade, so you might need:
dpkg --configure -a --abort-after=99999
Solution 2:
Try pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 and see if you get a command prompt. See if you can login, then try running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. This should allow you too finish the upgrade. You may get errors so you might also need to try using sudo dpkg --configure -a.
To get a list of the installed software you can run the command dpkg --get-selections. If you save they output of that command to a file you can use the command cat selections | sudo dpkg --set-selections and then use the command sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade to actually get all the packages installed.
If you do go that route you probably should backup your /etc and /home folders to another device.
Solution 3:
sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
1st line refreshes the current level of the repo you're downloading against
2nd line reconfigures any packages that are in a "bad" state
3rd line is in there just in case the repository "moves" to the new version during the 2nd line's process.
4th line should finish the job.
Solution 4:
I was able to recover from a catastrophic situation where Xubuntu would not boot up after the power went out during an upgrade. About 10 seconds after POST, Xubuntu would halt with a host of errors (trying to load the "recovery" option in grub would not even work either).
So if anyone stumbles upon this, I am posting some info from the Ubuntu forums that helped me to get to a terminal window so I could use the commands Colin and Avery posted above.
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Let's say your system just melted down after an upgrade, or your new kernel won't boot. You can't fix the problem with apt-get, because you can't even get to a command line; the kernel just spews out errors and hangs on bootup. Thankfully, with a live cd, you can repair your system and get it up and running. You have 2 options for the live cd: Knoppix or the Ubuntu live cd. Since Knoppix generally has better hardware detection, this will be used as an example.
- First, download the iso from and burn it to a disk.
- Get your BIOS set up to boot from the cd, pop in the Knoppix disk, and boot.
- Your hard drive should show up on the KDE desktop as hda1 or sdb2 or something, depending on your system.
- Click on it to mount it, then right-click, actions -> change to read-write mode. It'll pop open a dialog; click yes.
- Now, open a root terminal, found in the Knoppix menu (the one next to the K on the panel). Enter: chroot /mnt/hda1 or whatever the icon for your harddrive says on the desktop.
You can now use all the commands on the hard drive, including apt-get. If you ever get this error: "/dev/null: Permission denied" then do this: "sudo rm /dev/null" and it should go away. Now, use apt-get to upgrade your kernel, udev, or anything else that's messing up your system.
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It worked out perfectly too! I mounted my hard drive per the instructions, opened a terminal window, entered "sudo chroot /media/hda1", and finally had access to my hard drive. I was then able to use the commands posted earlier in this thread to restart the upgrade process. :)
It's any wonder why the Ubuntu Live/Installation CD doesn't have a "recovery console" built in to facilitate this whole recovery process.