Recursion bracketed; or Dyck words generation

C99, 105 bytes

i,j,s;f(n){for(char a[31]={};++i%(1<<2*n);s||puts(a))for(j=s=0;~s&&j<2*n;)s+=1-(a[j]=40+(i>>j++)%2)%2*2;}

Iterates over all strings of 2n parentheses.

With piped output and compiler flag -O3, input n = 15 takes roughly 15.5 seconds on my machine. Memory consumption is 1.2 MB.

Test it on Ideone.

CJam (48 bytes)


Online demo. This effectively takes one obvious recursive solution and makes it iterative. Instead of actually simulating the steps back up the stack, it applies a successor rule:

Find the last ( which starts a suffix with strictly more ) than (; sort that suffix, and rotate once.

Note that this is deliberately designed to avoid keeping the full list of solutions in memory, because I don't think it fits (at least, not if run on a 64-bit machine. It might on a 32-bit machine). There are 9694845 Dyck paths for n=15, so that's 30*9694845 characters, and 92*9694845 = 891925740 bytes of memory just for the (Java) String objects. But then the List holding the objects probably wraps an array with space for 16777216 elements, which is a further 256MB, and the CJam interpreter itself seems to add quite a bit of overhead.

(42 bytes)


This builds the strings up one character at a time, filtering to ensure that no string has more than n opening parentheses or more closing than opening parentheses. However, it runs out of memory with 3GB for n=15.

The same idea at 39 bytes, but this runs out of memory earlier.


Online demo

(24 bytes)

My original answer, now disqualified by rule changes.


This is an anonymous function which takes input on the stack. Online demo.

It works by the obvious approach of taking all permutations of n pairs of parentheses and filtering for those which are balanced.

Pyth, 26 23 bytes


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                    ]]k   starting at G=[['']],
  u                Q      repeat the given number of times:
                _G          reversed G
          jRL`()            parenthesize each level-2 element
        *V        G         take Cartesian products of corresponding
                              elements of that and G
       s                    concatenate, yielding a list of pairs
     sM                     concatenate each resulting pair
   aG                       append the resulting list to G
je                        finally, join the last result on newlines

This directly follows the Catalan recurrence (with a non-recursive dynamic programming implementation) and doesn’t use any filtering. On my laptop, it runs in 55 seconds using 2.67 GiB RAM for n = 15.

Pyth, 33 bytes, O(n) memory


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  *Q`()                  build a string with Q copies of "()"
 S                       sort it
=                        assign it to Q

       W                 while the following is true:
(newline)                  print Q
             x             take the index of the first occurrence of "(()"
           +3              add 3
          J                assign to J
        n2                 is this not equal to 2 (i.e. was "(()" found)?
                         do the following:
           <QJ             take the first J characters of Q
          S                sort them
        .<    1            cyclically shift them left by 1
       +       >QJ         add the remaining characters of Q
      =                    assign to Q

This algorithm outputs all Dyck words in a stream, with each word being generated from the previous one and no additional state. On my laptop, it runs in 170 seconds using basically no RAM for n = 15.

As an example illustrating how it works:

         ^^^               becomes

Similarly computing the words in the reverse of this order also takes 33 bytes:


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