Red, green, refactor - why refactor?

Because you should never refactor non-working code. If you do, then you won't know whether the errors were originally in there or due to your refactoring. If they all pass before refactoring, then fail, then you know the change you did broke something.

They don't mean to write any sloppy old code to pass a test. There is a difference between minimal and sloppy. A zen garden is minimal, but not sloppy.

However, the minimal changes you made here and there, might, in retrospect, be better combined into some other procedure that is called by both of them. After getting both tests working separately is the time to refactor. It's easier to refactor than to try and guess an architecture that's going to minimally cover all the test cases.

It's hard to see how the OP's skepticism isn't justified. TDD's workflow is rooted in the avoidance of premature design decisions by imposing a significant cost, if not precluding, 'seat of the pants' coding that could quickly devolve into an ill-advised YAGNI safari.[1]

The mechanism for this deferral of premature design is the 'smallest possible test'/'smallest possible code' workflow that is designed to stave off the temptation to 'fix' a perceived shortcoming or requirement before it would ordinarily need to be addressed or even encountered, i.e, presumably the shortcoming would (ought?) to be addressed in some future test case mapped directly to an acceptance criteria that in turn captures a particular business objective.

Furthermore, tests in TDD are supposed to a) help clarify design requirements, b) surface problems with a design[2], and c) serve as project assets that capture and document the effort applied to a particular story, so substituting a self-directed refactoring effort for a properly composed test not only precludes any insight the test might provide but also denies management and project planners information on the true cost of implementing a particular feature.[3]

Accordingly, I would suggest that a new test case, purpose built for introducing an additional requirement into the design, is the proper way to address any perceived shortcoming beyond a stylistic change to the current code under test, and the 'Refactor' phase, however well-intentioned, flies in the face of this philosophy, and is in fact an invitation to do the very sort of premature, YAGNI design safaris that TDD is supposed to prevent. I believe that Robert Martin's version of the 3 rules is consistent with this interpretation. [4 - A blatant appeal to authority]

[1] The previously cited elegantly demonstrates the value of deferring design decisions until the last possible moment. (Although perhaps the Fibonacci sequence is a somewhat artificial example).

[2] See

[3] Adding a "tech" or "spike" story (smell or not) to the backlog would be the appropriate method for ensuring that formal processes are followed and development effort is documented and justified... and if you can't convince the Product Owner to add it, then you shouldn't be throwing time at it.


I have seen the mantra: "red, green, refactor."

it's not a 'mantra', it's a routine.

I also see TDD mantras like "only write enough code to make the test pass."

That's a guideline.

now your question:

The only reason I could come up with, is if to make the test pass with green, you just sloppily write any old code. You just hack together a solution to get a passing test. Then obviously the code is a mess, so you can clean it up.

You're almost there. The key is in the 'Design' part of TDD. You're not only coding, you're still designing your solution. That means that the exact API might not be set in stone still, and your tests might not reflect the final design (because it's not done yet). While coding "only enough to pass the test", you will hit some issues that might change your mind and guide the design. Only after you have some working code you're able to improve it.

Also, the refactor step involves the whole code, not only what you've just written to pass the last test. As the coding advances, you have more and more complex interactions between all parts of your code, the best time to refactor it is as soon as it's working.

Precisely because of this very early refactoring step, you shouldn't worry about the quality of the first iteration. it's just a proof of concept that helps in the design.

Usually the first working version of the code - even if not a mess - still can be improved. So you improve it, making it cleaner, more readable, removing duplication, finding better variable/method names etc. This is refactoring. And since you have the tests, you can refactor safely, because the tests will show if you have inadvertently broken something.

Note that usually you are not writing code from scratch, but modifying/extending existing code to add/change functionality. And the existing code may not be ready to accommodate the new functionality seamlessly. So the first implementation of the new functionality may look awkward or inconvenient, or you may see that it is difficult to extend further. So you improve the design to incorporate all existing functionality in the simplest, cleanest possible way while still passing all the tests.

Your question is a rehash of the age old "if it works, don't fix it". However, as Martin Fowler explains in Refactoring, code can be broken in many different ways. Even if it passes all the tests, it can be hard to understand, thus hard to extend and maintain. Moreover, if it looks sloppy, future programmers will take even less care to keep it tidy, so it will deteriorate ever quicker, and eventually degrades into a complete unmaintainable mess. To prevent this, we refactor to always keep the code clean and tidy as much as possible. If we (or our predecessors) have already let it become messy, refactoring is a huge effort with no obvious immediate benefit for management and stakeholders; thus they can hardly be convinced to support a large scale refactoring in practice. Therefore we refactor in small, even trivial steps, after every code change.