Redirect a state to default substate with UI-Router in AngularJS

In fact even if this solution proposed by Radim did exactly the job, I needed to remember every tab's sub tab (state).

So I found another solution which do the same thing but also remembers every tab substate.

I all have to do was to install ui-router-extras and use the deep state redirect feature:

  .state('main.street', {
     url: '/main/street',
     templateUrl: 'main.html',
     deepStateRedirect: { default: { state: '' } },

Thank you!

Update: 1.0 Onwards Supports redirectTo out of the box.

I created an example here.

This solution comes from a nice "Comment" to an an issue with redirection using .when() ( and really cool solution for it (by Chris T, but the original post was by yahyaKacem)

So firstly let's extend main with redirection setting:

    .state('main', {
      url: '/main',
      templateUrl: 'main.html',
      redirectTo: 'main.street',

And add only this few lines into run['$rootScope', '$state', function($rootScope, $state) {

    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(evt, to, params) {
      if (to.redirectTo) {
        $state.go(to.redirectTo, params, {location: 'replace'})

This way we can adjust any of our states with its default redirection...Check it here

EDIT: Added option from comment by @Alec to preserve the browser history.

As of version 1.0 of the ui-router it supports a redirectTo property. For example:

.state('A', {
  redirectTo: 'A.B'