RedirectToAction not changing URL or navigating to Index view

I just came across this issue and nothing was working for me. It turned out the controller I was redirecting to required Authorization - the [Authorize] attribute was preventing any redirection.

[Authorize]//comment this out
public class HomeController : Controller {...}

Down the road or in larger projects this may not be a desired fix, but if you're only looking for a simple redirection or starting out, this may be a solution for you.

You need to add "return false;" to end of your onclick javascript event. For example:

Razor Code

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ID) 
    @Html.ActionLink("Save", "SaveAction", "MainController", null, new { @class = "saveButton", onclick = "return false;" })

JQuery Code

$(document).ready(function () {
        $('.saveButton').click(function () {


public ActionResult SaveAction(SaveViewModel model)
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

The code you show is correct. My wild guess is that you're not doing a standard POST (e.g., redirects don't work with an AJAX post).

The browser will ignore a redirect response to an AJAX POST. It's up to you to redirect in script if you need to redirect when an AJAX call returns a redirect response.

Try as below:

return in your action:

return Json(Url.Action("Index", "Home"));

and in your ajax:



Asp.Net Mvc