redis dump.rdb / saving small files

To be a little more helpfull... How to find or set where redis is saving the dump.rdb file (ubuntu server): First find you redis.conf file: In your terminal run:

ps -e aux | grep redis

I found my redis.conf file in:


If yours is the same place then open the file with:

pico var/etc/redis/redis.conf

Look for:

# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb

# The working directory.
# The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified
# above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive.
# Also the Append Only File will be created inside this directory.
# Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
dir /var/lib/redis

Depending on your setting for "dbfilename" and "dir" then that is where you find your redis dump.rdb file.

Update: To see your redis configurations just run:

redis-cli CONFIG GET *

You can set the file location on the redis.conf file (which you start the server with) look at the server configuration for that:

# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb

finding the location of the currently saved file, it depends on how you start the server - where you have the redis-server file - i think you can find it with ps -e aux | grep redis or ps -e | grep redis

