Reduced scheme and closed points
There do exist schemes without a closed point, yes. (Liu, exercises 3.3.26/27)
But under some very reasonable additional conditions - I think quasi-compactness will be sufficient, if you are happy with using Zorn's lemma - the result holds. Use/prove the existence of a closed point, and the fact that localizing a reduced ring still gives you a reduced ring.
1) If $X$ is a quasi-compact scheme such that $\mathscr O_{X,x}$ is reduced for every closed point $x$, then $X$ is reduced. Indeed, let $y\in X$. The scheme $\overline{\{y\}}$ is a closed subscheme of $X$, hence is quasi-compact, and non-empty because it contains $y$. It thus has a closed point $x$, which is closed in $X$ as well. Now $\mathscr O_{X,y}$ is a localization of $\mathscr O_{X,x}$, hence is reduced because so is $\mathscr O_{X,x}$ by assumption.
2) Let $k$ be a field and let $v$ be the valuation on $k(X_i)_{i\in \mathbb Z_{> 0}}$ defined by the composition of the successive discrete valuations provided by the $X_i$'s. Let $X$ be the spectrum of the corresponding valuation ring. Then topologically, $X=\{x_0,\ldots, x_n,\ldots\}\bigcup \{x_\infty\}$ where every $x_i$ specializes to $x_{i+1}$, and where $x_\infty$ is the unique closed point (the point $x_0$ is the generic one, and $x_i$ corresponds to the prime ideal generated by $X_i$). Now if you remove $x_\infty$ you get an open subscheme $U$ of $X$, without any closed point. Of course, $U$ is reduced, but $U\times_k \mathrm{Spec}\; k[\epsilon]$ (with $\epsilon\neq 0$ and $\epsilon^2=0$) is not reduced, and homeomorphic to $U$.