redux-saga: How to create multiple calls/side-effects programmatically for yield?

This might work aswell

function* mySaga() {
  const { customers, products } = yield all({
    customers: call(fetchCustomers),
    products: call(fetchProducts)

Please note that call effect doesn't call anything at the time. It just creates Plain JavaScript Object and returns. So what you want is not so difficult.

import { call } from 'redux-saga/effects'

const params = ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
const responses  = yield => call(fetch, p))

So according to the redux saga docs as of 11/17/2019 its says in order to make it execute in parallel you need to use all()

yield all( eachSomething => call( myFunction, eachSomething ) ) )

or if you want to compute some stuff before making your call

yield all( eachSomething => {
   // do some computations

   // important you return the function which is automatically done 
   // for you in the one line map, this has gotten me a few 
   // times when I am just coding fast
   return call( myFunction, eachSomething ) )
} )