Reference to List Items in Theorem Environment with Label Type “Theorem”

This is an attempt based on your example. I used the theorem hooks defined by thmtools to override the format for thmlisti in the current environment:


I cannot promise that it won't break anything, for example if you use a thmlist without any surrounding theorem.


% Input Type and AMS-Packages 

% Typography


\setlist[thmlist]{label=(\roman{thmlisti}), ref=\thethm.(\roman{thmlisti}),noitemsep}

% Math, Operators and Theorems

%refname={theorem,theorems},        %Lower Case Versions of Theorem Type

% References


%%% NEW


    \item Statment 1\label{thm:A1}
    \item Statment 2\label[thm]{thm:A2}

    \item Statment 1\label{thm:B1}
    \item Statment 2\label[lem]{thm:B2}

  \item[1:] That's how I refer to theorems and their like: \cref{thm:A} and \cref{thm:B}.
  \item[2:] That's how I refer to parts of theorems but without the label type: \ref{thm:A1} and \ref{thm:B1}.
  \item[3:] This happens when using \verb+\autoref{•}:+ \autoref{thm:A1} and \autoref{thm:B1}.
  \item[4:] This happens when using \verb+\cref{•}:+ \cref{thm:A1} and \cref{thm:B1} (now working)
  \item[5:] My current work around: \cref{thm:A2} and \cref{thm:B2}.


Here's a solution.

Define a new list lemlist

\setlist[lemlist]{label=(\roman{lemlisti}), ref=\thethm.(\roman{lemlisti}),noitemsep}

and use this one inside lem.

Then, declare


and you will be able to avoid the optional argument for \labels.



% Input Type and AMS-Packages

% Typography

\setlist[thmlist]{label=(\roman{thmlisti}), ref=\thethm.(\roman{thmlisti}),noitemsep}
\setlist[lemlist]{label=(\roman{lemlisti}), ref=\thethm.(\roman{lemlisti}),noitemsep}

% Math, Operators and Theorems

    %refname={theorem,theorems},        %Lower Case Versions of Theorem Type

% References



\item Statment 1\label{thm:A1}
\item Statment 2\label{thm:A2}

\item Statment 1\label{thm:B1}
\item Statment 2\label{thm:B2}

\item[1:] That's how I refer to theorems and their like: \cref{thm:A} and \cref{thm:B}.
\item[2:] That's how I refer to parts of theorems but without the label type: \ref{thm:A1} and \ref{thm:B1}.
\item[3:] This happens when using \verb+\autoref{•}:+ \autoref{thm:A1} and \autoref{thm:B1}.
\item[4:] This happens when using \verb+\cref{•}:+ \cref{thm:A1} and \cref{thm:B1}.
\item[5:] My current work around: \cref{thm:A2} and \cref{thm:B2}.


enter image description here

I was able to improve the great answer by @T.Verron such that \ref will return the plain counter of the list-environments while \cref will return the complete label compromising type, number of theorem and counter of the list (see my comment on @T.Verron's answer).

To do so I set up two new counters


whose names correspond to the theorem environment I want to use them in


In the theorem's headposthook the style of thmlistiis now set to listthmor listlemrespectively.


The critical step is that I am now able to tinker with the label format of listthmand listlemwithout affecting the format of thmand lem solely making use of commands provided by the cref-package


Now I can avoid setting the ref-style of thmlistiusing the enumitem-package which caused the \ref-command to return the counter of the theorem as well.

For full details see my example below.


% Input Type and AMS-Packages 

% Typography


% Math, Operators and Theorems


% References






\item Statment 1\label{thm:A1}
\item Statment 2\label{thm:A2}
\item Statment 1\label{thm:B1}
\item Statment 2\label{thm:B2}

\item That's how I refer to theorems and their like: \cref{thm:A} and \cref{thm:B}.
\item Referring to parts of theorems works like a charm with \verb+\cref{•}:+ \cref{thm:A1} and \cref{thm:B1}.
\item If I use \verb+\ref{•}+ to refer to a part of a theorem \LaTeX{} returns \ref{thm:A1} and \ref{thm:B2}.

enter image description here