References in bookmarks
Yes, by default, unnumbered (or starred) sections do not show up in the bookmarks. And, as you noted, References are unnumbered. Use it as follows:
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}% Add references to ToC (and bookmarks)
According to "Tame the BeaST - The B to X of BibTEX" page 4 footnote 3:
In order to cleanly insert the bibliography in your table of contents, use the
package. Other methods you can think of will probably lead to wrong page numbers.
Following practice seems to work again with the help of \phantomsection
SDrolet's solution to show
on content page might also work here, though we are usingbiblatex
package as well ashyperref
...Use the following in your premeable.
\usepackage{biblatex-chicago} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib}
You might want to replace
with your.bib
file name, if it is different from your main.tex
file.Then add the following before
.\phantomsection \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]
This is the first solution I have seen without additional package(s) or potential issues with table of content, i.e. the simplest or cleanest solution to show
as a top-level section in corresponding pdf bookmark. [Now seems to work fine again...]