Referencing a theorem-like environment by its [name]

I think the following may do what you want.


Then you use it as

  \namedlabel{thm:seamus}{Seamus' Theorem}
  Here is Seamus' Theorem.

Here I reference~\ref{thm:seamus}.

Unfortunately, it can then only be referenced by name, though I suppose you could use a normal \label as well (with a different key of course).

For the amsthm environments you can use


nameref doesn't work: it references the title of the SECTION the theorem-like environment appears in.

This is a nameref bug that was already fixed a while ago:

Unfortunately some Linux distros like Debian/Ubuntu ship with horribly old versions of the packages (Ubuntu 11.04 still ships TeX Live 2009 although the latest version is TeX Live 2011). If you're using such a Linux distro stop using the Tex Live package in the distro, and install TeX Live directly from here: You can then update packages using tlmgr (a really cool tool that doesn't ship with Debian/Ubuntu).

you may want to check out the nameref package, which is distributed with hyperref. There is a section in the nameref documentation about referencing "stuff".

More on referencing can be found in the TeX FAQ item Referring to things by their name.

