Regex for binary multiple of 3

If I may plug my solution for this code golf question! It's a piece of JavaScript that generates regexes (probably inefficiently, but does the job) for divisibility for each base.

This is what it generates for divisibility by 3 in base 2:


Edit: comparing to Asmor's, probably very inefficient :)

Edit 2: Also, this is a duplicate of this question.

I know this is an old question, but an efficient answer is yet to be given and this question pops up first for "binary divisible by 3 regex" on Google.

Based on the DFA proposed by the author, a ridiculously short regex can be generated by simplifying the routes a binary string can take through the DFA.

The simplest one, using only state A, is:


Including state B:


Including state C:


And include the fact that after going back to state A, the whole process can be started again.


Using some basic regex rules, this simplifies to


Have a nice day.


