RegEx to check if the digits in a number are all the same or in sequence

This pattern will match if the user enters the same digit:


\1 matches the first capture group, so the pattern matches whether that first digit is repeated for the entire string.

The second problem (consecutive digits) is somewhat more difficult.


is one implementation, assuming three or more digits. But since the number of combinations is small, enumerating (4+ digits) is also possible:


All this said, regular expressions don't always work well for this type of problem. A Java method to check for this sequence might be cleaner.

To match consecutive same digits:


Note that you have to escape the backslash when you put it in a java string literal, for example,


For the second one you have to explicitly make a list of consecutive digits using the | operator. The regex would be really long and nasty with as many as 10-nested parantheses. One has to generate this regex using a program. In other words, this is a wrong problem to solve using regex. It would be much simpler to write a loop and test this.

This time in perl, to explain the second case easier:

perl -nlE 'say "BAD number" if ($_ =~ /^(\d)\1*$/ or "123456789" =~ /$_/)'


  • case 1 : input ∈ /(\d)\1*/ language: already presented ($_ =~ /^(\d)\1*$/)
  • case 2 : string "123456789" matches input ("123456789" =~ /$_/)


