RegExp range of number (1 to 36)

You know about \d, right?


Try this in console:

function test() {
    for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        if (/^([1-9]|[12]\d|3[0-6])$/.test(i.toString()) != (i >= 1 && i <=36)) {
            document.write(i + "fail");
                document.write(i + "pass");


Here's a breakdown of it:

^ = Start of line

(?: and ) demark a non-capturing group- a way to specify order of operations without saving the matched contents for later.

[1-9] = any digit from 1-9

| = OR

[1-2][0-9] = '1' or '2', followed by any digit from 0-9

| = OR

3[0-6] = '3', followed by any digit from 0-6.

$ = end of line

As @mu is too short said, using an integer comparison would be a lot easier, and more efficient. Here's an example function:

function IsInRange(number)
    return number > 0 && number < 37;

Try this:


(All 1 digit numbers between 1 and 9, all 1x and 2x numbers, and 3x numbers from 30 to 36).