Relation already exists during rake migration
Check your db/schema.rb
You most likely have the same table being created there in addition to a migration in db/migrate/[timestamp]your_migration
You can delete the db/migrate/[timestamp]your_migration if it is a duplicate of the one found in the schema and it should work.
PG::Error: ERROR: relation “refinery_blog_posts” already exists
Pg is a Rails gem, the piece of code that allows communication between Rails and PostgreSQL. It relates your migrations to SQL tables, thus a relation error. So, what the error is saying is:
I'm trying to create table X, based on migration X, but table X already exists in the database.
Possible solutions:
- Create migrations that drop those, probably old, tables.
- Change the migration's name.
Login to PostgreSQL and drop the table. Something like:
$ psql -U username databasename
database_name=# drop table table-name;
The exact commands might be a little different though.