"release declaring sensitive permissions" error when added new version that doesn't have sensitive permissions

In our case, we were thinking that we did not have "Read SMS/Call log" permissions in our app yet, and had the same error. But we were planning to include such features into our app, so we sumbitted the sensitive permissions declaration form previously via Google Forms link (before it was integrated into Play Console) and got a decline.

So our solution was:
1. Add READ_SMS permission to our apk and increase version code
2. Publish new apk in alpha channel and declare that the release did not comply with the new regulations (in the permission declaration form). After this the error went away.
3. Publish updated APK with this permission removed (which was our goal in the first place)

After step 2 the error went away, so we were able to release our planned apk to production.

It turned out we had an old apk with "Read SMS" permission in our alpha channel. So you can use these instructions to trigger declaration form, but you will still need to delete this apk later in order to comply new rules. This is what we did, after that error went away.

I solved it by following these steps,

  1. Create a release and instead of uploading new apk/bundle select anyone from the library which has SMS or call permissions.

  2. Fill up all the necessary details and the declaration form, save and review.

  3. Now go to release management and edit this release and upload the new apk/bundle which you were supposed to upload.

  4. Now you wont see any error messages.

  5. Fill in all the details, save,review and rollout.

Do you have an alpha or beta release? Check If those releases have sensitive permissions, then release to production.