Relevant mathematics to the recent coronavirus outbreak

There is the whole discipline of math models of epidemics.

See, for example, Fitzgibbon, William E.(1-HST); Morgan, Jeffery J.(1-HST); Webb, Glenn F.(1-VDB); Wu, Yixiang(1-VDB) Spatial models of vector-host epidemics with directed movement of vectors over long distances. (English summary) Math. Biosci. 312 (2019), 77–87

and the references there.

Maybe relevant:

Yu Chen, Jin Cheng, Yu Jiang, Keji Liu, A Time Delay Dynamical Model for Outbreak of 2019-nCoV and the Parameter Identification,

The following paper is a little strange, since it dates back to 2015, but has some valuable data:

  • A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence, Nature Medicine, 2015.