Reload an iframe with jQuery

you can also use jquery. This is the same what Alex proposed just using JQuery:

 $('#currentElement').attr("src", $('#currentElement').attr("src"));

$( '#iframe' ).attr( 'src', function ( i, val ) { return val; });

If the iframe was not on a different domain, you could do something like this:


But since the iframe is on a different domain, you will be denied access to the iframe's contentDocument property by the same-origin policy.

But you can hackishly force the cross-domain iframe to reload if your code is running on the iframe's parent page, by setting it's src attribute to itself. Like this:

// hackishly force iframe to reload
var iframe = document.getElementById(FrameId);
iframe.src = iframe.src;

If you are trying to reload the iframe from another iframe, you are out of luck, that is not possible.