Remote login with graphical display manager (GDM, LightDM)

Install x11vnc on the remote

We assume a working ssh setup has already been done.

user@remote: sudo apt-get install x11vnc

Remote login with GDM

We assume that a successful vnc setup has already been done.

user@remote:~$ sudo x11vnc <options>

x11vnc will use our predefinded VNC settings and passwords. For further options see the manpage and this nice and elaborate tutorial.

Remote login with Light DM

To access the Light DM login screen we need to submit the Xauhority file for Light DM

ssh user@remote
user@remote: sudo su
root@remote: x11vnc -auth /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority -display :0

View the remote screen

On the client side launch the vncviewer (e.g. from xtightvncviewer as follows:

vncviewer -via user@remote localhost:0

By localhost:0 we display screen 0 on the localhost. The option -via is for using ssh.

After typing in the password for the remote login we can proceed with the graphical login.

FreeNX. You log in graphically - same as sitting in front of computer. All of it happens tunneled though SSH. You'll love it.