Remove a library from .libPaths() permanently without
Just set the environment variable R_LIBS
in Windows to something like
R_LIBS=C:/Program Files/R/R-2.15.2/library
Restart R.
This is bit late response to the question, but might be useful for others. I order to set up my own path (and remove one of the original ones) I have:
- used
inside R to check current library paths; - identified which paths to keep. In my case, it kept R's original library but removed link to my documents.
- found R-Home path using
is read every time R kernel starts. Therefore, any modification will be persistent to every run of R.
- Edited
by adding the following,
How it works?
- First line remove all but one path (second from the original list), the second line adds an additional path. We end up with two paths.
- note that I use Unix path notation despite using windows. R always use Unix notation, regardless of operating system
- restarted R (using
This will work every time now.
Use this function in .Rprofile
set_lib_paths <- function(lib_vec) {
lib_vec <- normalizePath(lib_vec, mustWork = TRUE)
shim_fun <- .libPaths
shim_env <- new.env(parent = environment(shim_fun))
shim_env$.Library <- character()
shim_env$ <- character()
environment(shim_fun) <- shim_env
set_lib_paths("~/code/library") # where "~/code/library" is your package directory
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