Remove BOM () from imported .csv file

Try this:

function removeBomUtf8($s){
       return substr($s,3);
       return $s;

If the character encoding functions don't work for you (as is the case for me in some situations) and you know for a fact that your file always has a BOM, you can simply use an fseek() to skip the first 3 bytes, which is the length of the BOM.

$fp = fopen("testing.csv", "r");
fseek($fp, 3);

You should also not use explode() to split your CSV lines and columns because if your column contains the character by which you split, you will get an incorrect result. Use this instead:

while (!feof($fp)) {
    $arrayLine = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ";", '"');

Correct way is to skip BOM if present in file (

$file = fopen($filepath, "r") or die("Error opening file");
if (fgets($file, 4) !== "\xef\xbb\xbf") //Skip BOM if present
        rewind($file); //Or rewind pointer to start of file

$i = 0;
while(($line = fgetcsv($file, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {