Remove header information from rgrep/grep output in emacs?

The header insert is buried within a call to compilation-start deep within rgrep. There's not a simple way to keep these functions from inserting the header. But you can pretty easily hide the first four lines of the buffer by defining advice.

(defun delete-grep-header ()
    (with-current-buffer grep-last-buffer
      (goto-line 5)
      (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)))))

(defadvice grep (after delete-grep-header activate) (delete-grep-header))
(defadvice rgrep (after delete-grep-header activate) (delete-grep-header))

You can later widen to reveal these lines again with C-xnw.

If you also want to advise lgrep, grep-find and zrgrep, you can replace the defadvice macros above with a programmatic advising like this:

(defvar delete-grep-header-advice
   'delete-grep-header nil t
   '(advice lambda () (delete-grep-header))))

(defun add-delete-grep-header-advice (function)
  (ad-add-advice function delete-grep-header-advice 'after 'first)
  (ad-activate function))

(mapc 'add-delete-grep-header-advice
      '(grep lgrep grep-find rgrep zrgrep))