Remove leading zeros in powershell

You can use type conversion to decimal

$Test = "00000.22"

A purely textual solution is to use the -replace operator with a regular expression:

PS> '00000.22' -replace '^0+', '0' 

^0+ matches one or more (+) zeros at the start (^) of the string and replaces them with a single zero.

If you also want to make sure that numbers with an integral part that isn't 0 and/or without a fractional part are properly handled, use -replace '^0+(?=[^.])' (note the absence of a substitution operand, which effectively removes what gets matched):

PS> ('00000.22', '0000', '00001.22').ForEach({ $_ -replace '^0+(?=[^.])' })

Positive look-ahead assertion (?=[^.]) effectively removes all leading zeros (^0+) as long as such a zero isn't followed by a literal . ([^.]).

If you do want something like '00000.22' to become just '.22', i.e. if you want to drop the integral part if it happens to be 0, the regex becomes simpler: '^0+(?=.)'

gms0ulman's answer is convenient and probably works fine in most cases, but there are pitfalls:

  • You're changing the data type to [decimal], and converting that back to a string can result in a culture-specific representation where . is converted to , (that said, PowerShell itself often applies the invariant culture, which always uses .); e.g.:

    # Cast to [decimal] using the German culture ('de')
    PS> [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'de'; [decimal] '0000.22'
    0,22  # !! Note the "," instead of "."
  • Even though unlikely with a high-precision data type such as [decimal], rounding errors are possible:

    PS> [decimal] '00.99999999999999999999999999999'
    1.0000000000000000000000000000 # !! rounding occurred