Remove loops from a walk

J, 51 39 bytes


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-12 bytes thanks to Bubbler! For the idea of combining "Under"s into a single train, and skipping an unnecessary increment of the indexes

The idea

  1. Convert the letters to their indexes within the ULDR
  2. Convert those indexes to complex vectors: Think U = i, L = -1, D = -i R = 1

    In fact, because of rotational symmetry, we don't actually care which direction is "up" as long the relative order of the directions is preserved.

  3. Scan sum those vectors to get the path positions (still as complex numbers)
  4. Reduce the path into a loop free version: Any time we arrive at a point we've seen, remove all history up to and including that old point.
  5. Invert steps 1 to 3, in reverse order.

The fun thing is that step 5 is accomplished with J's Under conjunction, which allows you to perform a transformation, do stuff, and then have the inverse transformation automatically applied. Here, J is smart enough to know how to invert the entire train comprising steps 1 through 3 in reverse order:

reduce to       Scan sum     index within 
remove loops    of...        'ULDR'
     |             |             |
vvvvvvvvvvvvv     vvvvv      vvvvvvvv
               ^^      ^^^^^^
               |         |       
             Under     0 prepended to
                       i raised to...

Jelly, 20 bytes


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O2ȷ:ı*S - Link 1, distance travelled: list of UDLR characters
O       - ordinals -> U:85 D:68 L:76 R:82
 2ȷ     - 2000
   :    - integer division -> U:23 D:29 L:26 R:24 (Note mod 4 these are 3 1 2 0)
    ı   - square root of -1  - i.e. (0+1j)
     *  - exponentiate -> U:(0-1j) D:(0+1j) L:(-1+0j) R:(1+0j)
      S - sum - 0 iff the path is a loop

ẆÇÐḟḢ⁸œṣFµÐL - Main Link: list of UDLR characters
         µÐL - loop until no change occurs:
Ẇ            -   all sublists
  Ðḟ         -   filter discard those which are truthy (non-zero) under:
 Ç           -     call last Link (1) as a monad
    Ḣ        -   head - X = first, shortest loop (if none this yields 0)
     ⁸       -   chain's left argument
      œṣ     -   split at sublists equal to X
        F    -   flatten

JavaScript (Node.js),  101 ... 91  90 bytes


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For each index \$n\$ in the input string, we initialize our position to \$(0,0)\$ and run a simulation of the walk starting from the \$n\$-th character. If there's some move at \$n+i-1,i>0\$ that brings us back to \$(0,0)\$, it means that we have identified a loop: we skip the entire segment and restart at \$n+i\$.

   n  n+i-1
   v    v

Otherwise, we append the current move to the output (L in the above example) and advance to \$n+1\$.


  • Instead of relying on an explicit counter \$n\$, we use recursive calls to our main function where the leading characters of the input string are gradually removed.

  • Instead of using a pair \$(x,y)\$ to keep track of our position, we actually use a scalar value \$p=x+y\cdot w\$, where \$w\$ is the remaining number of characters in the string. This is safe because we can't have more than \$w\$ moves in the same direction from this point.

  • To convert a character move into a direction, we take its ASCII code modulo \$5\$. The ASCII codes of \$(D,L,R,U)\$ are \$(68,76,82,85)\$, which are conveniently turned into \$(3,1,2,0)\$.


f = s =>                   // f is a recursive function taking a string s
  s &&                     // if s is empty, stop recursion
  [                        // wrapper to turn undefined into an empty string:
    s[                     //   get either s[0] (next char.) or s[-1] (undefined):
      Buffer(s).every(c => //     for each ASCII code c in s:
        p += [             //       add to p:
          w = s.length,    //         +s.length for up ('U' -> 85 -> 85 % 5 = 0)
          ~!++i,           //         -1 for left ('L' -> 76 -> 76 % 5 = 1)
                           //         (increment i)
          1,               //         +1 for right ('R' -> 82 -> 82 % 5 = 2)
          -w               //         -s.length for down ('D' -> 68 -> 68 % 5 = 3)
        ][c % 5],          //       using c modulo 5
                           //       stop if p = 0, meaning that we're back to our
                           //       starting point
        i = p = 0          //       start with i = p = 0
      ) - 1                //     end of every(), subtract 1
    ]                      //   end of s[] lookup
  ] +                      // end of wrapper
  f(                       // recursive call with either:
    s.slice(p ? 1 : i)     //   s.slice(1) (no loop)
  )                        //   or s.slice(i) (skipping the loop)