Remove old git commits
If you truly wish to delete them (wiping them from history, never to be seen any more), you can
run rebase:
git rebase -i HEAD~4
and then, just delete (or comment out) the lines corresponding to the commits you wish to delete, like so:
pick 2f05aba ... #will be preserved
#pick 3371cec ... #will be deleted
#pick daed25c ... #will be deleted
pick e2b2a84 ... #will be preserved
This is possible with git rebase
. Try the following
git rebase -i HEAD~4
and then, follow the interactive instructions in your editor. In the first step you "squash" the commits. It should look something like this:
pick 2f05aba ... will be preserved
squash 3371cec ... will be squashed with daed25c
squash daed25c ... will be squashed with e2b2a84
pick e2b2a84 .. will contain this and 3371cec and daed25c
In the second step you can edit the commit messages.