Remove 'search' option but leave 'search columns' option

DT options needs to be passed as a list. Further, by using the sDom initialisation variable it is possible to specify where in the DOM controls are placed. The standard setup looks like this:

    datatable(iris, filter="top", selection="multiple", escape=FALSE, 
      options = list(sDom  = '<"top">flrt<"bottom">ip'))

The syntax is a bit quirky, but basically the above says that f, l, r and t options are to be placed in the top div with the i and p options in the bottom div. Please refer to the docs at for a more thorough explanation.

Anyways, "f" is the "Filtering input" option (i.e. the search option) and by moving "f" to another div or omitting it we may move around or disable the search bar. A solution to your problem might look like this:

    datatable(iris, filter="top", selection="multiple", escape=FALSE, 
      options = list(sDom  = '<"top">lrt<"bottom">ip'))

datatable(iris, filter="top", selection="multiple", escape=FALSE,
options = list(searching = FALSE))

Slightly simpler syntax, for anyone else still looking:

datatable(head(iris), options = list(dom = 't'), filter = list(position = "top"))

Other options. To display table only, use dom = 't':

datatable(head(iris), options = list(dom = 't'))

To display table and filter (search box), the default setting:

datatable(head(iris), options = list(dom = 'ft'))




