Remove title bar and borders on maximized windows in Kubuntu

To remove the borders of maximized windows in KDE Plasma 5, run the following commands:

kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure

This is equivalent to doing the following:

  1. Edit the file ~/.config/kwinrc to add the line:


    under the [Windows] section, so that it looks something like this:


    In older versions of KDE, the file may be located at:


  2. Restart KWin by running:

     kwin --replace

    If that does not work, try one of the following, depending on which display server you are using:

     kwin_x11 --replace
     kwin_wayland --replace

Go crazy and maximize every window in sight! Remember that you can unmaximize them from the window menu (Alt + F3) or from the task manager in your panel. If quick tiling is enabled (System Settings → Desktop → Screen Edges → Window Management), you can also use Alt + Left mouse button to unmaximize windows by dragging them.


  • Hide window border for maximized windows

In Kubuntu 18.04, one can toggle borders (including the titlebar) and the maximized state of windows relatively simply.

In System Settings, choose Shortcuts > Global Shortcuts > KWin. In there, scroll to Hide Window Borders and set a shortcut. I chose Meta+D and clicked Apply.

Toggle borders Now I can toggle borders by just pressing Meta+D.

Still, while in System Settings > Shortcuts > Global Shortcuts > KWin (in Kubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, Kwin corresponds to System Settings Module), scroll further down to Maximize Window. Here, I chose Meta+X and clicked Apply.

Maximize Windows Now I can toggle between a non-maximized window and a maximized one by just pressing Meta+X.

Obviously, I can use both Meta+D and Meta+X on the same window whenever I want.

Remove top border or title bar in KDE/Kubuntu while retaining the windows button (Window Buttons Applet)


1.Latte Dock - Install from discover,right click on the dock, layouts>preferences>borderless> tick borderless>under layouts

  • Requires
  • Qt >= 5.9
  • KF5 >= 5.38
  • Plasma >= 5.12
  • KDecoration2 >= 5.12
  • Qt elements: Gui Qml Quick
  • KF5 elements: CoreAddons Declarative Plasma PlasmaQuick extra-cmake-modules Install

2.Window Buttons Applet - Download from (present under files tab)

3.Follow this:

  1. Copy and paste this command in terminal

Before running the installation script you have to install the dependencies needed for compiling.


sudo apt install g++ extra-cmake-modules qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libkf5declarative-dev libkf5plasma-dev libkdecorations2-dev gettext

Building and Installing

2.use your package manager to download cmake,I'm using Muon package manager and had cmake already installed Steps: Click on installation and then apply changes Now you can run the installation script.


3.Right click >Desktop Add widgets,search windows button and drag it to top right corner, then edit its settings and lock your widgets.

Always backup your kde customization

Video Demonstartaion:

This how your desktop will look after that with minimize,maximize and close buttons on the top right without borders enter image description here