Remove unused Font Awesome icons
If you are using javascript module imports try:
import { faCoffee } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faCoffee' // <-- note the extra faCoffee there
It sounds like you copied the entire font-awesome directory into your project, and this isn't the result you are looking for. If you only want 5 of the Font Awesome icons in your project, and not have the balance of icons available for future use, take a look at Fontello.
Fontello is an icon fonts generator which allows you to pick and choose only the icon fonts you want for your project.
Here's a link to Fontello on GitHub, with information on how to use it:
Another option you have if you only need a few icons, it's IcoMoon where you can choose the icons that are going to be loaded only including the ones from Font-Awesome.
Otherwise, check this blog that explains how to reduce font-awesome size.