Removing a "default" <option> in a select box

Without some PHP or JavaScript to remove the option dynamically you do have another very simple option that I use regularly, this is the disabled="disabled" option. The option will remain but the user won't be able to actually select it.

The failure with this is if someone just submits a form without choosing anything the empty value will submit in the form, but this is where your validation handling comes into play.

Your code for the "Pick a choice!" option will look something like this:

<option disabled="disabled">Pick a choice!</option>

I hope it helps.

CSS Only Sol'n

So, I know this post is quite old now, but a css only solution wasn't offered... Much more efficient way of accomplishing this. Notice the first <option> doesn't have a value attribute; this allows it to effectively placehold.

#category:focus option:first-of-type {
    display: none;
<select id="category">
   <option>Pick a choice!</option>
   <option value="choice1">choice1</option>
   <option value="choice2">choice2</option>
   <option value="choice3">choice3</option>
   <option value="choice3">choice4</option>