Removing all decimals in PHP

As Tricker mentioned you can round the value down or you can just cast it to int like so:

$variable = 252.587254564; // this is of type double
$variable = (int)$variable; // this will cast the type from double to int causing it to strip the floating point.

You can do a simply cast to int.

$var = 252.587254564;
$var = (int)$var; // 252

You can do it in PHP:

round($val, 0);

or in your MYSQL statement:

select round(foo_value, 0) value from foo

In PHP you would use:

$value = floor($value);

floor: Returns the next lowest integer value by rounding the value down if necessary.

If you wanted to round up it would be:

$value = ceil($value);

ceil: Returns the next highest integer value by rounding the value up if necessary.


