Removing attributes of columns in data.frames on multilevel lists in R

This is perhaps too late to answer on this thread, but I wanted to share.

Two solutions : 1. function stripAttributes from merTools package.

  1. to remove the attribute ATT from variable VAR in your data-frame MyData:

    attr(MyData$VAR, "ATT") <- NULL

If you want to remove several attributes of all variables :

For (var in colnames(MyData)) {
     attr(MyData[,deparse(], "ATT_1") <- NULL
     attr(MyData[,deparse(], "ATT_2") <- NULL

I hope This Helps, Regards

You could write a function that works on one entry in the list, e.g.

one_entry <- function(x) {
    for (i in length(x)) attr(x[[i]], "names") <- NULL

and then run lapply:

lapply(my_list, FUN=one_entry)

where mylist is the data structure in the question.

It's a hack but worked in my case.

lapply(my_list, FUN=function(x){data.frame(as.matrix(x),stringsAsFactors = F)})

