Removing console.log from React Native app

believe best practice is to wrap your debug code in statements such as...


This way, it only runs when you're running within the packager or emulator. More info here...

I know this question has already been answered, but just wanted to add my own two-bits. Returning null instead of {} is marginally faster since we don't need to create and allocate an empty object in memory.

if (!__DEV__)
   console.log = () => null

This is obviously extremely minimal but you can see the results below

// return empty object
console.log = () => {}
for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) console.log()

// returning null
console.log = () => null
for (var i=0; i<1000000; i++) console.log()

Although it is more pronounced when tested elsewhere:

empty console function

Honestly, in the real world this probably will have no significant benefit just thought I would share.

Well, you can always do something like:

if (!__DEV__) {
  console.log = () => {};

So every console.log would be invalidated as soon as __DEV__ is not true.

Babel transpiler can remove console statements for you with the following plugin:

npm i babel-plugin-transform-remove-console --save-dev

Edit .babelrc:

  "env": {
    "production": {
      "plugins": ["transform-remove-console"]

And console statements are stripped out of your code.
