Removing everything except numbers in a string

This is the shortest:


Note that you should use the correct DOM id to refer via getElementById. You can use the .replace() method for that:

var loan_amt = document.getElementById('loan_amt');
loan_amt.value = loan_amt.value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');

But that will remove float point delimiter too. This is an answer to your question, but not a solution for your problem. To parse the user input as a number, you can use parseFloat() - I think that it will be more appropriate.

Here is my solution:

const filterNum = (str) => {
  const numericalChar = new Set([ ".",",","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" ]);
  str = str.split("").filter(char => numericalChar.has(char)).join("");
  return str;

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