Removing handlers from python's logging loggers

This isn't logger-specific behaviour. Never mutate (insert/remove elements) the list you're currently iterating on. If you need, make a copy. In this case testLogger.handlers = [] should do the trick.

If you don't want to delete them all (thanks for the tip @CatPlusPlus):

testLogger.handlers = [
    h for h in testLogger.handlers if not isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler)]

instead of mutating undocumented .handler:

Option 1


this way you remove exactly the preexisting handler object via offical api. Or to remove all handlers:

logger = logging.getLogger()
while logger.hasHandlers():

Option 2

logging.config.dictConfig(config={'level': logging.DEBUG, 'handlers': []}

Not only removes but prevents its creation. List root will have [] handlers


