Removing non-alphanumeric characters with sed

You might want to use the [:alpha:] class instead:

echo "Â10.41.89.50 " | sed "s/[[:alpha:].-]//g"

should work. If not, you might need to change your local settings.

On the other hand, if you only want to keep the digits, the hyphens and the period::

echo "Â10.41.89.50 " | sed "s/[^[:digit:].-]//g"

If your string is in a variable, you can use pure bash and parameter expansions for that:

$ dirty="Â10.41.89.50 "
$ clean=${dirty//[^[:digit:].-]/}
$ echo "$clean"


$ dirty="Â10.41.89.50 "
$ clean=${dirty//[[:alpha:]]/}
$ echo "$clean"

You can also have a look at 1_CR's answer.

To remove all characters except of alphanumeric and "-" use this code:

echo "a b-1_2" | sed "s/[^[:alnum:]-]//g"

tr's -c (complement) flag may be an option

echo "Â10.41.89.50-._ " | tr -cd '[:alnum:]._-'