Removing self signed certificate from my store

With PS 3.0, if you want to remove by subjectName

Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\My | where { $_.subject -eq "CN=MysubjectName" } | Remove-Item

This approach seems to apply to Powershell 2 only and thus it is outdated.

Remove-Item does not work with certificates because der cert-provider is readonly in powershell. Found that information here

$store = new-object 'My','CurrentUser'
$certs = @(dir cert:\currentuser\my | ? { $_.Subject -like '*MyTestServer*' })
foreach ($cert in $certs) {$store.Remove($cert)}

I found the solution here in the comments. So it is untested.

Found this article because remove-item wasn't working.

This is not exactly 'true' powershell, but I use this method:

certutil -delstore my "5314bdfa0255be36e53e749d033"

You can get thumbprint via cert:\LocalMachine\my or through certutil. In my case, I have multiple certs with exact same name, so I like above method more because it gives me a specific target when I delete a cert.


